New tricks for SeleniumControl and SeleniumTestCase

Since the original post introducing SeleniumControl and SeleniumTestCase these two classes learned some more tricks.

The most annoying thing I noticed about that code was, that I had to trigger the SeleniumTestSuite to be able to run a testcase. So I added a simple method to SeleniumControl (isStarted() returning true if server != null) to allow a testcase to query for that and, in case of need, to start the SeleniumServer on its own. The TestCase class checks for this in its setupBeforeClass()-method…

Now I can start either a SeleniumTestSuite, which results in the server started only once for the whole testsuite, or a SeleniumTestCase, which starts the server just for that single testcase. At the beginning the restriction did not hurt, only with the evolution of the test-suite (about 125 tests so far…) this started to itch.

After a few testcases I also added a method to SeleniumTestCase to open the web-applications root:

public boolean openAndWaitWebAppRoot() {
boolean result = false;
try {;
result = true;
} catch (Throwable t) {
result = false;
System.err.println("--- received an exception: " + t);

return result;

public String getWebAppRoot() {
return testHost + testAppl;

2 Comments on “New tricks for SeleniumControl and SeleniumTestCase”

  1. Tj Khan says:

    very nice post. thanksss . please continue.

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    • ajesse says:

      Thanks for the cudos.
      I definitely want to continue to investigate into Selenium, just gotta find the time during the project development, because only real life experience teaches the important tricks.

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